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Language Justice
Quick History:
On November 12, 2019, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services and Sierra Club filed a petition for rulemaking to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. T.E.J.A.S & Sierra Club requested that the commission adopt rules that extend the existing alternative language requirement to public meetings and consider professional interpretation for public meetings in alternative languages, including Sspanish, and provide formal translation of informational documents. December 18, 2019, TCEQ granted the petition and directed the executive director to initiate rulemaking for further evaluation of the issues raised in the petition. March 10, 2021 TCEQ considered whether to publish a proposal to amend its rules governing environmental permitting proceedings for public comment. TCEQ is proposing a rule that would make environmental proceedings more accessible to people who have limited Eenglish proficiency and would adopt to extend alternative language public notice and participation requirements for public meetings.
For more information about the rule in Spanish, call
Jaime Fernández at 512.239.2566.
For translation services, call 800.687.4040.
How to participate?
TCEQ is asking for public comment on the Alternative Language Rulemaking. Commenting on the rule allows TCEQ to hear directly from people who are impacted by the rule. Anyone can give oral comments at an online public meeting and/or can file written comments on the rule. Comments can be made in any language. There are 2 ways to participate and provide comments.
Oral Comments
You can join the virtual public hearings by webinar or by phone to provide oral comment on either dates below. The first 30 minutes, TCEQ will be available to answer questions. The rest of the meeting will be public comment.
Written Comments
You can submit written comments from now until April 26, 2021. Comments can be submitted online, by fax, or by mail. The comments should reference “Rule Project Number 2020-018-039-LS.”
April 20, 2021
9:30 a.m. Central Time
Register with Webinar ID:
April 22, 2021
1:30 p.m. Central Time
Register with Webinar ID:
Fax: or 512-239-4808
Gwen Ricco, MC 205, Office of Legal Services
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
To join by Phone:
In English – call 844.368.7161 and enter code 435007#
In Spanish – call 844.368.7161 and enter code 904535#

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